Quality Initiatives

Medical Director
Over the years, we’ve used this space to discuss a variety of topics – from seasonal illnesses to organizational changes – but none seems to prompt a more impassioned response than the discussion of wait times. Whether it be in suggestion boxes, in email surveys or in Facebook reviews, the length of time spent waiting to see a provider is often cited as a source of frustration. We have heard you and are committed to addressing your concerns. In fact, appointment access and wait times have become the focus of our Patient-Centered Medical Home efforts.
This past November, we conducted a week-long audit of wait times in both our Center City and Bala Cynwyd locations. In total, we reviewed more than 450 patient encounters. We tracked not just the total duration of each visit, but also each individual step in the visit sequence: reception check-in, exam room placement, medical assistant review of vital signs and symptoms, time with a provider, administration of vaccines, and check-out.
During the course of our study, the AVERAGE total time spent in the office for an appointment was 49 minutes. As expected, the majority of this time was spent with the provider. The smallest window was spent in the waiting room prior to being brought back for an exam. Of course, due to the unpredictable nature of pediatrics, some appointment times were longer. We were pleased, however, that average times were shorter than we predicted.
Well visit check-ups predictably tended to be lengthier, since these appointments often require the review of screening tools and the administration of vaccines. Some sick visits ran longer than the average, usually when additional in-office treatments were necessary. Certain times of the day also trended differently, with morning appointments averaging quicker times than the afternoon. Favorably, your increased use of our pre-visit check-in process had a positive impact on the length of time spent in the waiting room.
In the weeks and months ahead, we will dive deeper into these metrics to pinpoint specifically where our processes can be streamlined. This audit will be added to our schedule of quality reports for ongoing tracking and to ensure that our efforts are resulting in positive change. And, perhaps most importantly, we will communicate with you. We will share our goals, our strategies, and our outcomes – and we will continue to ask for your voice in helping us shape our future our improvement efforts.
Want to learn more? Consider joining our Parent Advisory Board. We’d love to see you there.
In partnership,
Eric & Erica
Parent Advisory Board
Want to lend your voice to our ongoing quality improvement initiatives? Have an experience with our office you’d like to share? All are welcome – Join us!
Thursday, 2/28, 8am in our Center City office.
Read on for more details and RSVP to attend.
Winter Workshops Enrolling Now!
Registration is now open for our winter parent classes, groups and education workshops. Visit our website for more detailed class descriptions, information about our facilitators, availability and registration links. Dates marked with an * will be held in our Bala Cynwyd office. Others are offered at our Center City location. Advanced registration is required, under the classes tab on our website. You don’t have to be a patient of our practice to enroll.
Sleep Solutions for Babies & Toddlers
- Saturday 3/14 10am
- *Sunday 4/5 10am
Understand the most common causes of pediatric sleep issues and naptime struggles and learn how to overcome them.
Newborn Sleep & More
- *Tuesday 2/18 11am
- Tuesday 3/17 11am
- *Tuesday 4/21 11am
Master the habits needed to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. Demystify motion sleep, swaddling & more.
Dates marked with an * will be held in our Bala Cynwyd office. Others are offered at our Center City location.
NEW IN FEBRUARY! Sleep Solutions Office Hours!
Private, 60-minute consultations are available with our sleep specialist.
Friday, 2/28 10am – 2pm
Limited spaces, advanced reservations required
New Workshop! Mindfully Me
Mindfully Me
- Saturday 3/7 10am
- Saturday 4/4 10am
For children 6-10 years old, giving them the relational and emotional coping skills needed to take on the world in a mindful and confident way!
Lactation Support Group in Bala!
Lactation Support Group – Bala Cynwyd
- *Wednesday 2/26 10am
- *Wednesday 3/11 10am
- *Wednesday 3/25 10am
- *Wednesday 4/8 10am
Yes – Lactation Support Group is now available at our Bala Cynwyd location! Not sure if your baby is getting enough? Trouble latching? Pain while nursing? Bring your little one and all of your infant feeding questions!
Infant & Toddler CPR
- *Sunday 2/16 9:30am
- Saturday 3/28 9:30am
- *Sunday 3/8 9:30am
- Saturday 4/11 9:30am
- *Sunday 4/26 9:30am
Learn proper CPR and rescue procedures for choking, cardiac arrest & respiratory arrest for infants through age 8. Be prepared! A perfect class for parents, caregivers, sitters and grandparents.
Dates marked with an * will be held in our Bala Cynwyd office. Others are offered at our Center City location.
Moms Supporting Moms
- Wednesdays at 9:30am
- 2/12 – 3/18, 4/8 – 5/13
During this exciting – and often overwhelming – time, come find space to vent, a chance to share and a system to support as you navigate the surprising challenges of becoming a parent. Drop in for a week, or come for the entire series.
Lactation Support Group
Breast or Bottle – All Are Welcome!
Thursdays 11am-12:30pm
How do you know if your baby is getting enough? What if you’re experiencing pain? Is it normal for your baby to be feeding all the time? Come join our breastfeeding support group to get these questions answered…and many more! There will also be a scale available for weight checks.
Linda Derbyshire, BS, IBCLC facilitates.
Come find out why we call this “the best lactation group in Philadelphia”!
Come Meet Us – Prenatal Visits
If you’re expecting, we’re expecting you!
- Most Mondays 7:00pm in Center City
- Monthly on a Tuesday/Thursday 7:00pm in Bala Cynwyd
Check our website for a complete schedule of available dates
During your baby’s first year, you will spend a lot of time with your pediatrician. It’s important to feel comfortable with your practice and at home when you visit.
Come meet our staff, tour our offices and hear about our philosophy. Bring your questions!
Taking Our Tech to the Next Level
Electronic appointment confirmations, PreVisit check-in, online appointment requests, electronic statements and more! We are working hard to streamline our processes and make it easier than ever to interact with our office.
Check out details about how to make the most of your visit and, as always, we welcome your feedback!
The Lara + Joe Show Tuesdays
The Lara and Joe Show rocks out at our Center City office most Tuesdays from 10:00 -10:45 a.m. This music group is appropriate for ages 0-4 and is different every week.
From Wheels on the Bus to Yellow Submarine, The Lara and Joe Show brings their guitars, drums, and shakers and cover it all.
The cost is $10 / family. This is a drop-in class and registration is not required. Everyone is welcome! Check our website – under the classes tab – for a full list of dates.