Welcome to spring! And welcome Dr. Brittany DiBardino to Center City Pediatrics!
Dr. DiBardino will see patients in our Center City (South Street) location beginning this month. She join us from Tribeca Pediatrics in NYC, although you may already know her and her family – they have lived in Philly for several years already!
Read about her on our website and don’t forget to say hello when you see her in the office!

Need Testing?
Is your child asymptomatic but in need of a COVID test for school, daycare, sports, camp or travel? Asymptomatic molecular testing is now available by appointment in our South Street location. You can self-schedule an asymptomatic test on our website.
Does your child need a COVID test because they are exhibiting symptoms or have been exposed to a positive case? Contact our triage staff to be scheduled for a testing appointment, under our isolation protocols.

Protect Your Children!
Yes, COVID vaccines are now available by appointment at at any of our three locations. Contact your preferred office by phone to schedule.
Already have a well visit scheduled? Eligible children can receive the COVID vaccine as part of their annual well child check-up at any of our three locations. Simply let the reception team know when you arrive for your appointment. The COVID vaccine will be administered while you wait to be seen by your provider.
Still haven’t received a flu shot? It’s not too late! Call your preferred location to schedule a flu vaccine visit, or let the reception team know when you arrive for your well visit that you’d like to get the flu shot.
School is Back in Session!
In-person parent education workshops have returned to both our South Street and *Bala Cynwyd locations. Other groups are also being offered virtually. Advanced registration is required for all classes. Visit our website for details, facilitator bios and registration links.
Infant & Toddler CPR
Saturdays 4/2, 5/7 OR 6/4 9:30-11am
*Sundays 4/3, 5/1 OR 6/5 9:30-11am
Lactation Support Group
Thursdays 10-11:30am VIRTUALLY
Oral Motor Feeding Skills
Alternating Tuesdays 11:30-12:30pm
Newborn Sleep & More
Saturday 5/21 10am